You are willing to spend 100’s if not 1,000’s of dollars on airguns, but are reluctant to spend the money on the one tool you absolutely need to enjoy those high dollar PCP’s. Hey, come in just a little closer so I can share a secret about air guns. Hand Pumps are crap! Don’t waste your time and money. Today we are going to dive into the Professional Daystate Type-2, 220 volt airgun shop compressor.
Yes, a professional high quality breathing air compressor ain’t cheap, but neither is time, wear and tear on your vehicle, and the gas required for trips back and forth to the dive shop or paintball store. When I first started, the guys at the shop began to know me by first name as I was there just that often. Each trip was at least an hour and after one year of being in the hobby, it ended up being 15-20 hours of time. Let us not forget the time I showed up to find that the store was CLOSED!
Finally doing what any reasonable pcp airgunner should do, I welcomed my new best friend into my shop. I would like to introduce you to my very own Daystate Type-2 Compressor!
The Daystate Type II compressor is a rebranded Coltri MCH-6 model and this model runs off of 220 volts of electricity (so yes you will need a 220 outlet and the same outlet that your dyer runs off of will likely work). Like all high end compressors on the market, you will need to make a quick trip to the hardware store to pick up the plug for your specific application.

Unlike other versions of the MCH-6 that are on the market, the Daystate comes with a couple of features you won’t easily find elsewhere. The first is the cage that surrounds the compressor. Why is this important? Well you spend $1000.00 of dollars on a compressor that will likely be in your shop and the last thing you want to do is bugger it up by having something fall on it. Not to mention the case provides two nice handles to transport it to club events.
The second feature that is absolutely outstanding is the “Dial-A-Pressure” feature. If you are going to be filling tanks as well as individual airguns from this compressor, the ability to easily adjust the automatic shutoff is huge. We all know the dangers of overfilling your pcp and this feature alone can help prevent that.
Getting down to the specifics, the type-2 compressor is a four stage compressor that will be shipped to you via UPS and a large well padded package from Airguns of Arizona or whichever dealer you happen to order from.
Each piston or stage will step the pressure up and eventually get you to that 4500 psi that we all need to fill our SCBA tanks. The 1st stage takes ambient air up to 50psi, then cooling tubes travel to the 2nd stage where the air is compressed to 190 psi and pushed into the 3rd stage where things begin to get serious pushing the air upto 940 PSI and into the final stage where we see 4500 psi. From there the compressed air travels into the water/oil separator and then into the compressed air filter. Depending on the replaceable filter you choose, this will not only dry the air, but clean the air to breathing quality.
Being able to produce breathing quality air will not only help to keep your airgun from rusting out, it also helps with resale value should you ever decide to resell your compressor. This is because the Daystate type-2 compressor can be used for applications other than shooting airguns!

Just like all compressors, the Daystate type 2 compressor will require you to give it some love from time to time in the form of general maintenance. One really nice feature is the built in hour meter that allows you to easily keep track of your maintenance schedule.
General maintenance includes:
- After you reach the initial 5 hour break in period, you will need to complete your first oil change. Daystate does you a real solid, because they include enough oil in your purchase to complete the first oil change.
- After every 50 hrs of use you will need to complete an oil change. This requires Coltri Oil CE 750 or Andero 755.
- After every 100 hours of use you will need to replace the intake filter.
- Every 1000 hours of use or 5 years you will need to replace the high pressure water/oil separator, fill hose and safety valve.
- And after 3000 hours you will need to change the HP filter body.
Approximate costs for general maintenance is as follows:
- Air Filter Cartridge – $30-40
- Intake Filter – $25
- 1 liter of Oil – $40 (2 oil changes)
- 100 hr service kits – $220
- 500 hr service kit – $290
- Full Service Kit – $360
So how many take fills will you get before some maintenance is due? To fill my tank from empty was just under 20 minutes. To top off the tank from 3000 psi to 4500 psi it only took me about 5 minutes. If my calculations are correct, you will be able to top off your tank 60 times or fill 15 tanks from empty before you hit your first 5 hour break in oil change and 6,000 top offs or 1,500 fills from empty before the 500 hr service change. That is a lot of airgun fun as well as time and money saved!
Let’s not forget that the Daystate compressor comes with it’s own user manual, that will give you additional safety information. If you are interested, this manual can be downloaded from the internet should you want to review it while your compressor is being shipped.